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Bi-Level, Non-Modulating Float-Control Valve is mounted in the water inlet pipeline of the water pool or tower. F745X Bi-Level, Non-Modulating float-Control Valve will close automatically when the level of the pool reaches the preset one and open to supple water when the level is lower than the preset one.

a. Tightly and reliably closed. Use of secure O-ring seal and hydraulic control principle makes the closing force of the sliding disk proportional to the water pressure, leaving a high reliability of the seal.
b. Big flow. The valve body is designed as the full-path stream-line type, causing small fluid resistance and big flow.
c. Safe running. Use of hydraulic operation can control automatically the level of the water pool or tower very accurately.
d. Easy use and maintenance. Installation on the outside of the water pool makes the main valves debugging and checking easy and maintenance simple.

Supplier: Saitai Valve, China
Manufacturer: Shop in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park

Bi-Level, Non-Modulating Float-Control Valves with Diaphragm actuated
Diaphragm actuated

1. Strainer
2. Needle Valve
3. Small Ball Valve
4. Small Ball Valve
5. Small Float Ball Valve

Bi-Level, Non-Modulating Float-Control Valves with Piston actuated
Piston actuated

1. Small Float Ball Valve
2. Small Ball Valve
3. Needle Valve
4. Strainer
5. Small Ball Valve


DN L D D1 n-d H
1.0Mpa 1.6 (Mpa) 2.5 (Mpa) 1.0(Mpa) 1.6(Mpa) 2.5 (Mpa) 1.0Mpa 1.6 (Mpa) 2.5 (Mpa)
50 205 165 165 165 125 125 125 4-18 4-18 4-18 255
65 216 185 185 185 145 145 145 4-18 4-18 8-18 290
80 250 200 200 200 160 160 160 8-18 8-18 8-18 326
100 320 220 220 235 180 180 190 8-18 8-18 8-22 380
125 365 250 250 270 210 210 220 8-18 8-18 8-22 448
150 415 285 285 300 240 240 250 8-22 8-22 8-26 495
200 500 340 340 360 295 295 310 8-22 12-22 12-26 625
250 605 395 405 425 350 355 370 12-22 12-26 12-26 755
300 698 445 460 485 400 410 430 12-22 12-26 12-30 879
350 787 505 520 555 460 470 490 16-22 16-26 16-30 909
400 914 565 580 620 515 525 550 16-26 16-30 16-33 1130
450 978 615 640 670 565 585 600 20-26 20-30 16-36 1160
500 978 670 715 730 620 650 660 20-26 20-33 20-36 1198
600 1150 780 840 845 725 770 770 20-30 20-36 20-39 1600
700 1300 895 910 960 840 840 875 2430 24-36 24-42 1750
800 1450 1015 1025 1085 950 950 990 2433 24-39 24-48 1900

Typical Installation

Typical Installation of Bi-Level, Non-Modulating Float-Control Valves

Bi-Level, Non-Modulating Float-Control Valves Related Products

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Catalog:Automatic Control Valves

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